Resource Roundup: What We Are Reading — Issue 6, January 2025 – The Aspen Institute

Concern about the declining fortunes of working-class Americans has dominated recent political cycles. Despite post-pandemic wage gains for the lowest-paid workers, many still feel unable to get ahead. Polling has consistently found widespread dissatisfaction with the state of the economy — a sentiment that is shared across partisan and racial identities. In addition, Gallup has found that the percentage of Americans who consider themselves middle class has remained stuck in the mid- to low-fifties since the Great Recession, well below the early 2000s high mark of 63%. Meanwhile, the share of Americans who identify as working or lower class increased after the Recession and has averaged 45% ever since.
In our first Resource Roundup of the new year, we explore what today’s working class looks like and the challenges they face. Manufacturing and industrial professions continue to loom large in our understanding of who the working class is. But that leaves out millions of people who aid the elderly, staff warehouse floors, and form the backbone of the retail sector — workers, who, by some measures, make up the majority of today’s working class.
We open with a call, published in Forbes, to ensure that policies to help working-class people are designed to include the wide array of service and health care jobs that many of them hold. Then, read new research from Brookings on the scheduling instability experienced by low-income workers. Oregon has taken steps to give workers more say over their schedules, and WorkRise summarized research on the effectiveness of these policies. Finally, explore an analysis from Brookings that highlights the high rate of injury in direct care work, which includes some of the fastest-growing occupations.
The divergent fortunes of working-class Americans — often defined as those without a bachelor’s degree — compared to their college-educated peers stand as a foil to the narrative of US economic prosperity. As the share of manufacturing employment has declined, most non-college-educated workers have found themselves in service jobs, which often lack decent pay, predictable schedules, and opportunities for advancement.
Policymakers must recognize the new reality of working class people and tailor interventions to the unique precarity they face, argue Rick Wartzman and Harin Contractor. Read their full commentary in Fortune.
Trying to get by on a low income is difficult enough. Not knowing how much you’ll be taking home at the end of each month makes a bad financial situation worse. Nearly all low-income households report not being financially comfortable. For those that have inconsistent monthly incomes, two in three say they struggle to pay their bills. And though many want to work more, irregular scheduling often makes it hard to do so.
Read the full report from Brookings for more on the impact of income instability on low-income households and the implications for policy as lawmakers look to tighten work requirements for safety net programs.
Unpredictable work schedules are rife in the service sector. As a result, many workers don’t earn enough to live while also experiencing difficulty holding second jobs and pursuing further education. In response, some localities have passed fair workweek laws, designed to give workers greater control in determining their hours.
Oregon’s Fair Workweek Act took effect in 2018. However, researchers found that most workers didn’t know the rights that they had gained. On top of that, employers by and large didn’t change their scheduling practices. Ensuring that workers’ rights are protected requires additional enforcement staff and worker education, the researchers concluded.
Learn more from WorkRise about Oregon’s experience rolling out its fair workweek law and the considerations that are necessary to maximize the law’s effectiveness.
Direct care workers experience the third-highest rate of occupational injury — after law enforcement officers and firefighters. The ranks of home health aides, nursing assistants, and others who make up this primarily female workforce are expected to dramatically increase in the coming years. By early next decade, direct care work will account for one in six new jobs. As a result, employers, policymakers, and job quality advocates will need to take action to reduce the risks faced by these workers and ensure they enjoy safe workplaces.
Read Brookings’ analysis for more on the evolving dynamics of occupational injury.
The Economic Opportunities Program advances strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income people thrive in a changing economy. Follow us on social media and join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on publications, blog posts, events, and other announcements.
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