How I Made Over $400 a Month Donating Blood Plasma

Today, I have a great article to share about how a reader made money by donating plasma. Nicole Ray has previously written for Making Sense of Cents – How I Received $4,500 in Free Amazon Products by Writing Reviews – and she’s back again with another side hustle. Enjoy! You’ve probably heard of college students…
Today, I have a great article to share about how a reader made money by donating plasma. Nicole Ray has previously written for Making Sense of Cents – How I Received $4,500 in Free Amazon Products by Writing Reviews – and she’s back again with another side hustle. Enjoy!
You’ve probably heard of college students selling their blood or plasma to help pay for their course books and even part of their tuition. But, did you know that just about anyone can donate plasma, and get paid?
It’s true!
And, while I mostly donated while I was in college, I continued to donate after I graduated and I used my earnings to help pay off my car 6 months early. Plus I was able to use the remainder of my earnings for other things too.
It’s super easy to get started, and at most plasma centers, you can easily earn $400 or more every single month. There were some months when I made a little over $500 and used some of that to start paying off some of my student loans as well.
Donating plasma is a very low-commitment side hustle that almost anyone can do. And, it pays well and consistently, so you can expect to make a fairly regular amount each month.
Here’s how you can get started.
You can sometimes donate blood or plasma for money, but there are facilities all over the U.S. that offer this option, which is a perfect way for many young adults to make some extra cash.
I did this to help pay for college expenses and pay off my car early, and I am even planning on getting back into it to help save up for a down payment for my husband and me to get a home this year.
So, if you think you want to sell your plasma for some extra cash, I promise, it’s not as scary as it might sound, and it definitely isn’t some shady or sleazy way to make money on the side. The plasma donations that you provide are actually used for medicines and treatments for patients all over the world including cancers, blood disorders, and other rare diseases or illnesses.
Your plasma can also be used for research purposes, which is why companies are willing to reimburse you for your time. Most donations take around 1-1.5 hours to complete.
Recommended reading: How to Make Money in One Hour: 15 Real Ways
Blood plasma, in short, is the liquid part of your blood, which is about 55% of your total blood volume. The remaining 45% contains your red blood cells. So things like white blood cells (immune cells) and platelets (clotting cells) are suspended in your plasma.
Now, the plasma in your blood itself is made up of about 92% water. Which, is why it is recommended to drink plenty of water. More than you would drink normally, even if you are good about staying hydrated.
Also, the reason you are able to donate your plasma so frequently is that it doesn’t take away any of your red blood cells. If you were to donate blood, you wouldn’t be able to donate again for about 8 weeks.
So, the reason why you get paid for your plasma, even though about 92% of it is water, is that your plasma contains things like white blood cells, proteins, electrolytes, antibodies, and a few other things.
These things that are in your blood plasma are used in creating medicines, used in research, medical treatments, medical products/implants, and more. This means that your plasma is a valuable asset to helping people and improving their health and lives. And in some cases, it even saves lives.
That’s why medical and research companies are willing to pay you for your donation and time.
I made double payments with my plasma donation earnings and was actually able to pay off my car over 6 months early.
Since my car payments at the time were about $227, I was able to make double payments each month for a while. Had I used all of my plasma donation earnings, I would have paid my car off in 18 months, just from my donations. But, as a college student at the time, there were other things I had planned to use some of that money for.
Some months I was actually getting additional bonuses, so that money was set aside for other purposes too, like a cruise vacation with my mom.
As a donor, you get a refillable Visa card that can be used in most places where Visa cards are accepted. So, after you have successfully completed a plasma donation, you should have almost immediate access to your earnings.
However, what I did, was to withdraw my earnings in cash at a Walgreens or CVS ATM which was actually right next door to the plasma center. From here, I would set aside specific amounts that I could either deposit into my bank to pay off my car, or set aside specific cash amounts for different things I was saving up for at the time.
The plasma center I donated to gave me a list of places where I could withdraw cash, without any fees. If the center you are considering doesn’t offer this, you may want to ask about it.
If you are wondering what a blood plasma donation is used for, typically that answer is for life-saving medicines. But, there are a lot of disorders or diseases that need the antibodies found in plasma to help treat the condition.
Here are a few of the conditions that your donation can help others with:
When you donate plasma for cash, you get paid with a refillable donor card, usually a Visa or Mastercard.
After you sell blood plasma at your local donation facility, you get paid shortly after in which you can withdraw in cash, or use your card in most places where a Visa or Mastercard is accepted.
Donors get paid with a refillable donor card. Earlier I mentioned that I would withdraw some of my earnings from an ATM, but you can use your card wherever you use a Visa card, typically.
Unfortunately, the card won’t be compatible everywhere, which is another reason I often withdrew my earnings, which was about every 2-4 donations. So at that point, I would usually have around $200.
The donation center that I worked with, Grifols Plasma (Biomat) also had an app that I could use to track my earnings so I was always able to make sure that I wasn’t trying to over withdraw either.
However, I’m not sure if the previous center I was donating at, CSL Plasma, had an app for their card or not. But, when I recently looked it up, it did sound like they have an app that tracks all your progress and earnings in the same app.
For me, most months I was earning up to $400 or more, depending on if I could get in all the bonus donations too.
The most recent plasma center that I have been donating at offers bonuses for every 2nd donation of the week, and typically a bonus for your 4th, 7th, and 8th donation. Occasionally, there may be a 9th donation as well, depending on what days you donate and where the days fall on the calendar.
However, these bonuses can vary quite a bit from one month to the next.
And, if you are a first-time donor, or if it’s been over 6 months since your last donation, you may be eligible for the first-time bonuses too. So your first month may be as much as twice the typical amount that other donors make.
But, this varies from one facility to the next, and from one donation to the next.
This will depend on what plasma facility you are donating to. In most cases, this can be any ATM that accepts the same logo, usually either Mastercard or Visa.
But, you will want to double-check with your center to make sure you know which ones don’t charge a withdrawal fee.
For me, this was just the drugstore (Walgreens) across the street from the plasma center.
So, there is a first-time bonus that every donor may be eligible for, and if it’s been over 6 months since your last donation, you may be eligible again.
You can also get bonuses by referring a friend, and if they donate, you will get the “Refer a Friend” bonus.
For full earning potential, you will need to donate two times every week for the 2nd donation bonus and donate the maximum number of times per month for monthly bonuses. In most cases, that max is 8 donations, but may occasionally be 9 depending on how the days fall that month.
You can get paid to give plasma by visiting your local plasma donation center and starting the “First-Time Donor’’ process. This takes a bit longer as there are a few more questions you will need to answer, a couple of blood test samples, an orientation video, and a brief physical.
Expect that you will need to have proof of address (may require a utility bill or lease agreement, not just everyday mail), a valid government photo ID (sometimes a student ID will work), and proof of a social security number.
But, if you’re not sure you will be able to provide all of these things, it won’t hurt to check with your local center to see what alternatives they may accept.
The most common facilities to offer plasmapheresis donations include Biomat, Grifols Plasma, and CSL Plasma. I have also found a few other facilities like Olgam, Octapharma, and ImmunoTek plasma, though I am not personally familiar with them.
You can check to see if there are any donation centers near you with a simple Google search based on your city or zip code. Unfortunately, I have not found a specific site that makes this search easier.
The first time you donate, it can take up to 3 hours to go through the entire process. Any following donations will be much quicker and only take about 1-2 hours instead. So, you will want to plan for this before you prepare for your donation.
As a first-time donor, you will provide the necessary documentation first, and then fill out a questionnaire asking you about your health status. After you’ve filled out the questionnaire, you will go through a brief screening in which they will check your hemoglobin, blood pressure, temperature (don’t drink water 10 minutes before taking your temp), and a brief physical.
The physical is a short process in which a registered nurse will go through a couple more questions, confirm answers if needed, and then check to make sure you’re ready to be a donor.
In the past, when I’ve gone through the physical, the nurse gently applied pressure to my liver (making sure there wasn’t swelling/discomfort, etc.), and they also listened to my lungs. And, that was about it. In fact, that was about the easiest and quickest part of the process for me.
After screening is complete, you will go back into the donation area, where you will be connected to a plasmapheresis machine. This machine draws out a small portion of your blood, separates out the plasma from the blood, and returns your blood back to you.
You will go through several cycles of this, and when the correct amount of plasma has been separated, you will receive that remaining amount of your blood back and also receive some saline to help rehydrate you.
However, it’s still important to make sure you still drink plenty of water and hydrating fluids afterward as well.
If you are concerned during any part of the process, or have any questions prior to donating, you can always call your local plasma center staff to get any of your questions answered. You can also ask any other questions during your screening process.
You can actually donate twice a week, but no less than 7 days between every other donation. So I know that sounds a little confusing, but here’s what I recommend doing.
I would donate the same two days every week. Whatever you think works best for your schedule.
So, if I donate week 1 on Monday, the next available day I can donate is Wednesday. But, if I were to donate week 2 on Tuesday, I can’t donate again until that Thursday. And then, if I were to donate on week 3, I can’t switch back to donating on Monday and Wednesday because that is less than the 7 minimum days apart from every other donation.
Sorry if that is confusing, but that is the best way that I can think of to describe it.
This is one of the downsides to donating plasma is that if you happen to get deferred from a donation one day, or you have a schedule conflict, you may not be able to get the full bonuses for that month.
But, rather than changing your donation schedule, I would recommend just waiting until your second donation day that week, or your next planned donation.
Yes and no. Really, the only pain you may experience is the pinch of a needle, and the prick of your finger.
But you may also experience some symptoms of discomfort if you aren’t well prepared for your donation, or if you have a reaction. But if you have prepared for your donation, there is little risk of experiencing any symptoms during your donation.
I myself have had a few reactions, but it has usually been my fault. In most cases, I was either a bit dehydrated or didn’t have a solid meal recently enough. When I was dehydrated I felt a little light-headed or woozy, but it was never severe. At that point, myself and the staff chose to end the donation process and receive the IV fluids to finish the process.
You don’t want this to happen too often because it can put you at risk of longer-term deferment, however, it is much more important that you respect your body and its needs, so if you do need to end early, for any reason, you can simply say so.
And, there are staff around you all the time during your donation process, so if you start to feel the slightest bit off, one of the staff members will help you through it. Just make sure you let them know sooner rather than later. Don’t be afraid to speak up the second you start to feel a bit off. And, again, you can always choose to end your donation at any time, you are never forced to complete a donation.
One quick thing to note, in case you are wondering. The facilities that accept plasma donations and that pay you will always use clean needles, tubing, and other supplies. These things are always sterile and individually packaged, so the entire process is done with sterile procedures.
The staff is specially trained and certified (called phlebotomists) before they can provide any donations. There are also registered nurses, and other medical staff on hand to assist donors through the process.
So, if you’re ready to jump into donating, here are a few tips that you will want to follow to make sure you have a successful donation.
So there are a few things that will prevent you from donating plasma, may get you temporarily deferred, or put you at risk for long-term or permanent deferment.
Typically a temporary deferment just means you get deferred from donating that same day. This isn’t unusual especially if you have a change in medical status, or if you aren’t feeling well that day.
Here are some reasons you may have a temporary (one-time) deferment from plasma donations:
Staff will typically double-check or retest certain measurements if they aren’t normal, but if the second or third attempt is unsuccessful, you will likely be deferred for that day.
Reasons for extended temporary deferment of plasma donations:
Possible reasons/risks for permanent deferment from plasma donations:
There are many other possible reasons for deferment, permanent or otherwise. If you want to learn more in-depth about the specifics of possible issues involved with donating, you can check out this article here from Plasma Hero.
I know that not everyone will consider donating plasma, perhaps because of a fear of needles, fear of other symptoms, or the inability to donate safely. But, for those who are able to, this is an excellent way to make some extra cash every month.
It can be a little scary, especially on your first donation (trust me, I’ve been there), but I promise that it’s not as bad as it seems.
I have to tell myself that it’s just my anxiety talking. But, once I’ve been screened, and am in the donation process, all I have to do is lounge in the chair and catch up on my latest shows or movies.
Have you thought about making extra money by donating plasma?
Author bio: Hey there! I’m Nicole Ray, the founder of Let’s Make Life Great, a personal finance blog where I teach you how to make money with side hustles, save more at home, and build income as an online entrepreneur. I started my blog in 2022, and since then, I’ve been helping people take control of their finances and maximize every dollar and money-making opportunity. Recently, I launched online courses to help aspiring money-makers create a life they love – on their own terms – while enjoying the freedom that comes with financial independence. Want to learn more? Check out Let’s Make Life Great for blog content and courses designed to help you succeed!
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